Dear Students,

Welcome to Konstantin Preslavsky Unviersity of Shumen Erasmus+ webpage!
Thank you for considering our university, we would be happy to have you!

Regarding the Application Procedure, these are the three forms that need to be filled out:

Please get them singed and stamped by your Erasmus+ coordinator and send them to us, so we can issue an Invitation.
You will also have to send us a Transcript of records of previous studies, translated into English. We will need a copy of our passport or your ID card and please keep in mind that you should have an European Health Insurance Card and we will also need a copy of it. You can send all the documents scanned.

Other useful documents:

Erasmus+ Course Catalogue – here you can find the offered courses and the coordinators

Information Sheet

Erasmus+ guide for incoming studentscomming soon!

Erasmus+ Diarycomming soon!

Best regards,
International Relations Center